Augustana University
2001 S Summit Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57197
Sustainability Highlight
Augustana University hosts more than 2,100 undergraduate and graduate students studying in more than 100 different majors, minors, and pre-professional programs. Among these is the newly created interdisciplinary undergraduate program, Environmental Studies (introduced to the University in 2020). As of 2023, the Augustana Environmental Studies major hosts roughly 35 students who, upon entering their senior year of study, are tasked with creating a student-led project. Many of these students have created projects that also assist the University in its sustainability goals. These include, amongst other projects, the creation of a native prairie garden, a campus garden and on-site garden compost center, and the utilization of campus green space to create an apple orchard, wood duck habitat, outdoor classroom, greenhouse, and apiary. Not only do these projects create a lasting legacy on campus for outgoing students, many of the projects have become a source of pride and stewardship for Augustana's current students. For example, the campus garden and greenhouse are tended to by members of the on-campus student group, Augie Green, throughout each academic year.
In addition to the student-led projects, Augustana's facilities are constantly being upgraded to promote energy efficiency. Dormitories and classrooms alike receive updates to windows, plumbing, lighting, and HVAC equipment as replacements are needed. This phased improvement plan allows Augustana University to implement changes, such as occupancy sensors and low-flow faucets, at a financially sustainable rate.
Faculty at the University believe that exposure to sustainable practices in an academic setting is an important aspect of the college experience as college life can help pave the way for students to live more sustainably in their futures.
For up-to-date information on Sustainability at Augustana University, additional resources have been created by the Environmental Studies Department Advisor, Dr. David O'Hara and can be accessed at the following links: